Here are two still lifes. On the left is a painting I painted in oil on canvas a couple of decades before the concept of "Artificial Intelligence" became truly relevant, on which I spent a significant amount of time. On the right is an image created by a neural network based on a text description of the plot, in just a couple of minutes. Of course, a still life painted in oil cannot boast of the authenticity of light and shadow, since it is painted guided solely by imagination, which cannot be said about a digital still life generated by a neural network. But digital images have their drawbacks. Firstly, it is not so easy to explain to artificial intelligence all the nuances of what you want to see in the image. The neural network will definitely stick a bunch of incomprehensible unnecessary details to the picture, while ignoring what is actually wanted from it. But the main thing is that no matter how beautifully the neural network draws, these images will never have what makes a work of art unique and valuable. This is the individuality of the artist, his special vision and personal skill. Not to mention the tactile sensations of the texture of the painting. But the truth is that artificial intelligence is certainly a powerful tool that allows the artist to visualize his creative ideas in an amazing way, without diminishing his skill and talent, and even more, will allow these very skill and talent to reveal themselves to an even greater extent. My online gallery AI.ARART.RU presents a huge number of images generated by me based on text queries and sketches. You only have to want it and based on any digital image or just pure imagination, I will paint an original oil painting for you in the best possible way. Write to me by mail or in the chat with your wishes for what you want to see in the painting, the size you need, any other details and receive a personal advantageous offer.

Все материалы представленные на сайте являются интеллектуальной собственностью художника Алексея Владимировича Русакова и охраняются законом об авторском праве. Использование любых изображений и других материалов с данного сайта возможно только с письменного разрешения художника.

AI.ARART.RU - 2023 - Заказать картину маслом - Художник Алексей Русаков - Картины маслом на заказ по цифровому эскизу